Our customer, Cache Creek Casino Resort wanted us to fabricate 10-12ft foam logo letters to float in their pool for an event. They wanted us to deliver it from our SUnnyvale, CA faclity to their location in Brooks city. But crossing the bridges on the way and delivering such a large project was an obsticle and a challenge. So what did we do?
The customer provided us with their logo photo as well as instructions on how they visioned it floating in the pool

We then provided rendering for the customeer to aprove cutting

Using our CNC hot wire foam cutter we cut the logo shape out of 1.5lbs EPS foam. Since the logo diameter was at 11ft and the foam block being at 4ft, we had to make it in 2 halves, each half in 3 section pieces, all glued togehter.
To eliminate the glue line sims as much as possible, we patched it using drywall mud, then sand it.
We cut the letters then took them out to create the hooow letters effect

We then painted the logo with primer and a black and white paint from the inside of the logo.

Next step was to paint the logo gold. We used a specialty gols paint with Ochre base. We brushed multiple layers of the gold to make it look shiny and smooth, yet old-like uneven texture for a more natural effect.
We had to fabricate it folding for easier transport as at 11ft it was too big to load on the truck or cross the brisge on the way to the customer.
We crated the logo as 2 halves and placed hinges at the back so that it will be able to fold, then can be unfoald at the pool. We secured the hinges with wood pieces.
Last phase was to put eye hooks on each side of the logo where a nylon cord goes through then toed to the esges of each side of the pool so that it does not float away.

Here is the final logo in Cache Creek Pool - Looking great out there

For more information and to see some more of our fabrications visit our Instagram page