We all remember the hand held digital pet created in Japan during the 80's that has taken the world by storm. So, we were thrilled when we were asked to fabricate a prop one for our customer. Turns out this game is back big time - Nostalgia!
To fabricate this nostalgic back to the 80's museum prop, we started out by designing it as a model using our Rhino3D Cad file

We then machined the prop on our CNC router. We machined it in stages - the general contoured round shape first, then the buttons and features
Now it's Polyurea hard coating and sanding time - Lots and lots of sanding, to make it to a smoother finish.

Now to the painting part - The customer asked for the original authentic red and yellow paint colors
For the last part we placed an adhesive designed vinyl print to serve as the Tamagotchi game screen

We are now off to our time machine - Back to the 80's!!! See you soon

#Tamagotchi #Tamagotchigame #Tamagotchiprop #CNC #CNCmachining #prop #props #foam #foamprops #vinyl #vinylprint #digital #digitalgame #handheldgame #keychaingame #fabrication